Hello Foxies!

Hey Girls!

Here we go!  This is all as new to me as it is to you, so let’s learn together:)

ON EDIT****If 30 mins of cardio is too much in the beginning, work up to it!  AND..If ever you do not have time to do the circuits more than once through, remember that even a few reps is better than NONE!  Do your best, and you will continue to improve.  This is not “ALL OR NOTHING”!  We are FOREVER works in progress, so work to be your best, don’t worry about how fast you get there!*****

This will be the basic layout of the workout plan, and the exercises will change every 4 weeks.

Monday – 30 min circuit training(chest, shoulder, tri, quads) and 30 min TM

Tuesday – 30 min circuit training(back,glutes, hamstrings, biceps) and 30 min cardio

Wednesday – Core and 30 min cardio OR a rest day

Thursday – 30 min circuit training(chest, shoulder, tri, quads) and 30 min TM

Friday – 30 min circuit training(back,glutes, hamstrings, biceps) and 30 min cardio

Saturday OR Sunday – Core Challenge!  Make sure you do at least one exercise for each of the major core muscles(upper, lower, oblique, and back), and you will do it in a circuit training way that will burn more calories and be more effective.  And 30 mins cardio(unless you did cardio on Wed, then feel free take rest of the day off if you want).  It is the weekend!  Have some fun!  Cardio does not have to be boring.  Go for a walk or hike outside.  Go play mini golf.  Go for a bike ride.  If you have to clean anyway…Turn up the stereo REALLY LOUD with some dance music and dust and vacuum(Trust me on this one, it makes cleaning AND cardio much more fun:).  BUT REMEMBER…IF YOU DID THIS WORKOUT ON WEDNESDAY, FEEL FREE TO TAKE THE WEEKEND OFF!  YOU EARNED IT:)

In those 4 weeks, this is how you will advance each week:

Week 1: Focus on form!  Do each circuit one time VERY precisely and if you feel you can do them a second time through….GO FOR IT!

Week 2: Do each circuit 2 times.

Week 3: Do each circuit 3 times

Week 4: Do each circuit 3 times and up any weights by 5-10% IF you feel you need to.

Let me know if anything is unclear or you need a link to a better description of a particular exercise.

4 thoughts on “Hello Foxies!

    1. You’re welcome. Please give me feedback and ask questions if I left out any details.

      Such as….Jamie asked me what weight to start with. 3-5# hand weights is plenty! The #1 reason people quit a new exercise regime is injury from trying to do too much too fast. The first week should be all about learning proper form. If you do not know what a particular exercise is, please let me know, and I will try to get you a video or at least a better description

      Love Yas!


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